Pallet Rack Brands, Types & Manufacturers
Pallet rack brands are often similar, but not compatible. For many years a wide variety warehouse rack designs were manufactured and sold regionally in the US. Most of these designs were proprietary with components that would not interchange.
Today most warehouse racking being sold in the US is what we call a “teardrop” style. Interlake patented the teardrop style many years ago. As the dominant manufacturer in the US for several decades their excellent design became tremendously popular. Now the teardrop design is made by everyone and is considered the generic product in our industry. Uprights and beams to match the teardrop style will always be readily available new or used.

Other Brands and Styles
Many of the older brands of pallet racking were made of much heavier gauge steel and tend to be more impact resistant. Some of the discontinued styles are tremendously durable and will provide proper space-saving storage for a lifetime. Some designs, such as Speedrack, Sturdi-Built and Prest, require special connectors that are not always easy to find. Be sure you buy additional connectors if you buy one of these brands of racking.
If you just need some additional storage for your business go with a used warehouse rack that is as heavy-duty as you can find and fits your budget. You can save money by going with brands other than teardrop and get a more durable product.
Pallet Rack Brand Chart
Our picture guide to pallet rack brands displays many styles currently available, as well as discontinued brands. Click on any of the pictures and you will find further details on each type.
- What brand of pallet rack is this?
- What type of pallet rack do I have?
- Where can I get replacement beams and uprights?
- What load capacity is the brand of rack that I have rated for?
- Is this brand of rack still made?