Used Pallet Rack
Used pallet rack can save you money due to the price and time because of availability. You may also need to match existing warehouse rack that is no longer manufactured. Used warehouse rack can be your only option. We can help you identify and locate the pallet rack parts you need for your existing storage system. Some sizes and brands are more common, but are by no means universal. Pallet rack systems are designed around the goods being stored in them, and the lift equipment used to store and retrieve them, which leads to many different needs.
Surplus pallet racking beams and uprights from many manufacturers are available in a wide variety of sizes. Our inventory of used warehouse rack changes constantly so please call (888) 986-3331 to see what we currently have in-stock.

Visit our Pallet Rack Brands page to determine what rack you have to order the correct replacement parts.
Used Drive-In, Push-Back, Double-Deep and Gravity Flow rack are also available. We design, sell and install high-density pallet rack systems to meet your specific needs. These used high-density warehouse storage systems offer the greatest value when compared to new equipment installations.
Used Pallet Rack Brands, Styles & Manufacturers
We can help you identify the brand of used pallet rack you may be looking for. Here are some of the many brands, styles and manufacturers we can identify for you: Interlake Teardrop Old Style Teardrop (F-Punch) or New Style Teardrop (U-Punch), Mecalux, Unarco T-Bolt, Unarco II, Ridg-U-Rack, Steel King, SpaceRak, Speedrack, Frazier, Redi-Rack, Dexion, Hallowell, Bulldog, Hi-Line, Sturdi-Built, Inca, Mi-Rack, Prest, Jarvis-Webb, Palmer- Schile, Multi-Rack, Madix, Frick Gallagher, Penco, Lyon, Air-Row, Cubic, Lok Rack, Sammons, Frontier, Republic, Keystone, AmerLok, Amer-Rack and more.